Dr Rashid Khan is a physician who has specialized in Internal Medicine. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for over 35 years. He has served thousands of individuals in his community.
Ohio Direct Primary Care is a
Currently patients with government insurances such as Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Medicaid Advantage and Tricare are not eligible. However, are services grow this may be an option in the future.
Patient will have availability to his/her care team 24/7, which includes communication through non-face-to-face, telephone, and secure portal messages.
Payment plan
The program will consist of a monthly subscription fee with a small copay per visit for unlimited visits. In addition there will be discounted labs along with access to several other services.
For Service and Labs//
1 hr
70 US dollars1 hr 30 min
120 US dollars45 min
90 US dollars2 hr
90 US dollars1 hr
70 US dollars1 hr
80 US dollars